About Me

Welcome to RJStein Photography! I'm Melissa, the owner and photographer dedicated to capturing the beauty of everyday moments and making them last forever. Since 2017, I have been passionate about highlighting the little things that make life truly special through my lens.

My photography goes beyond aesthetics; it serves as a powerful tool for advocacy and awareness. Years ago, I began photographing a remarkable wild horse herd in Utah and fell in love with these wild symbols of freedom. After a federal operation led to many of them being removed from their home on public lands, I adopted a bonded pair of wild horses—Stargazer and Nora. Their story, which you can explore below, further inspired my commitment to raising awareness about the plight of wild horses in the American West. Their journey is a testament to the impact we can make when we combine passion with action.

My dedication extends beyond the camera. As a founding member of the non-profit Onaqui Catalogue Foundation, I collaborate with both large and small advocacy organizations, rescues, and sanctuaries to educate and advocate for wild and domestic horses and burros. Because of this, I donate a portion of the proceeds from my Wild Horses Collection to these non-profits, supporting their crucial work.

When I'm not capturing your special moments or scouting new shooting locations, you'll find me riding my mustang Nora, spending time with former wild stallion Stargazer and my senior pony Ruby, listening to music, spending time with my husband and friends, or playing the drums.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I look forward to connecting with you and creating unforgettable experiences together.

Live Wildly,


Stargazer and Nora